
How to Start a School Petition

To use in the United States, you must be at least 13 years old. For those living outside of the United States, you must be 16 or older. If you do not meet the age requirement, your parent or guardian may start the petition on your behalf. For more info please read our Terms of Service or contact us at

Identify the Issue

Every successful petition begins with identifying a clear issue. What needs to be changed or addressed in your school? Whether it’s promoting healthier cafeteria food, demanding changes to dress code policies, advocating for better learning resources, or perhaps improving facilities? The more precise and actionable your issue, the more compelling your petition will be. This step should take a considerable amount of time, as understanding the problem deeply helps in forming a stronger argument. Discuss with your friends, teachers, and parents to get diverse insights.

Design a Clear Call to Action

The call to action is the heart of your petition – it’s the change you’re hoping to bring about. It should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Everyone who reads it—students, parents, teachers, and the school administration—should immediately grasp what you’re advocating for. For instance, “Our school needs to introduce a comprehensive recycling program to foster environmental consciousness among students” is a solid call to action.

Identify the Decision-Maker

A critical step in your petition is identifying who can influence or make the change you’re advocating for. This could be your principal, a school board member, or the district superintendent. Directing your petition to the right person or group of people makes it more likely that it will be seriously considered and acted upon. Conduct your research thoroughly to ensure your efforts are aimed in the right direction.

Start a petition

Form a Team

While a petition can be started by an individual, having a team working together can make your efforts more effective. The team can help in various ways, such as brainstorming ideas, spreading the word, and organizing activities to garner more support. Your team could consist of classmates, friends, and even teachers who are passionate about your cause.

Write a Persuasive Petition

Drafting your petition is a crucial step. A well-written petition can evoke empathy, stir emotions, and inspire action. Start with an engaging title that clearly communicates your goal. Then, explain why the issue matters, provide relevant evidence, personal stories or data if available, and articulate what the change will achieve. Your petition should be persuasive, but also straightforward and easy to understand. Make sure to proofread it, or better yet, have someone else review it for clarity and impact.

Gather Signatures

Once your petition is live on, it’s time to collect signatures. Set a realistic target and start with your immediate networks. Ask your classmates, friends, and family members to sign it. Remember, each signature adds weight to your cause and pushes you one step closer to your goal.

Spread the Word

Publicizing your petition is as crucial as creating it. Harness the power of social media to reach a wider audience. Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to promote it. Don’t shy away from using traditional methods as well, such as word of mouth, flyers, or school newsletters. Encourage those who sign to share the petition within their networks, effectively multiplying your reach.

Engage with Supporters

Your petition’s supporters are your most significant resource. Keep them engaged with regular updates about the progress of your campaign. If there’s a significant increase in signatures, let them know. If the decision-maker responds, share it. Encouraging your supporters to stay involved and connected with the cause keeps the momentum alive.

Organize Offline Activities

While your petition lives online, your campaign can go beyond the digital world. Depending on the issue, consider organizing offline activities like peaceful rallies, awareness drives, or meetings with decision-makers. In-person events can strengthen your campaign, create a sense of community, and draw media attention.

Deliver the Petition

Once you’ve reached your goal, or even surpassed it, it’s time to deliver your petition. Depending on the school’s policy and the nature of your petition, you could choose to hand it over physically, send it via email, or post it on the school’s public platform. Delivery is not the end of your campaign; it’s the start of the next phase. Ensure that you follow up with the decision-makers and keep your supporters informed about any responses or changes that arise from your petition.

Celebrate and Acknowledge Your Supporters

Regardless of the final outcome, it’s essential to acknowledge the collective effort that went into your petition. Celebrate the milestones and express your gratitude to those who signed, shared, and stood by your cause. Let your supporters know that their voices matter and that they’ve been part of an important process of civic engagement.


Change often takes time. If your petition doesn’t immediately result in the change you’ve been advocating for, don’t be disheartened. Stay persistent. Consider it a step towards raising awareness and sparking dialogue around your issue. Remember, every voice raised, every signature gathered is a step closer to the change you wish to see.

In all, starting a school petition on is more than just garnering signatures; it’s about rallying a community behind a shared cause. It’s an opportunity to lead, to advocate, and to incite change in your school. So, ready to start your petition? Your voice is powerful. Let it echo through the corridors of your school and beyond. Make your stand today and create the change you want to see.

Start a petition

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June 28, 2023 3:02 am