
A commence speech heard round the world: Virality and petitions

At, we are dedicated to empowering people around the world to take action on the issues they care about. Every day, thousands of individuals use our tools to drive meaningful change in their communities and beyond. Some petitions capture the public’s attention and go viral, amplifying their impact significantly. One such example is the petition to Demand the Kansas City Chiefs to Dismiss Harrison Butker for Discriminatory Remarks.

The Spark of Virality

On May 11, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker delivered a commencement speech at Benedictine College, where he shared opinions on a range of topics, including COVID-19, Pride Month, abortion, women in the workplace, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. These remarks sparked outrage and led to the creation of a petition on May 13, calling for Butker’s dismissal from the Chiefs due to his comments, which were considered offensive by many.

The petition garnered attention quickly, but it was a video posted on’s social media that truly ignited the movement. The video went viral on TikTok, and within days, the petition’s signature count skyrocketed. By May 16, the petition had reached 100,000 signatures, and by May 17, it had doubled to 200,000 – a 100% increase in just 24 hours.

The Role of the Media

Media played a crucial role in this petition’s rapid rise. Recognizing the early signs that Butker’s speech would likely going viral,’s team shared the story with media outlets and opened a discussion on our social media platforms. The swift and strategic response ensured widespread coverage and engagement. The petition was covered by many tier-1 outlets including the New York Times, People Magazine, ABC News, and the TODAY show. 

The TikTok video posted on our channel became the most shared video on the topic, further propelling the petition into the spotlight. This coordinated effort resulted in the petition becoming one of the top media-earning petitions in 2024.

Starting a National Debate

Butker’s speech and the subsequent petition sparked a national conversation about freedom of speech, the role of religious values at academic institutions, cancel culture, and more. And just about everybody weighed in: celebrities, politicians, athletes, religious leaders, professors, etc. 

The petition gave everyday people – including the students who sat through Butker’s remarks, a place to have their voices heard. Anytime there’s a public debate, is a place where you can hear a variety of opinions, and decide where you land. 

At, we are inspired by the dedication and determination of our users. We are committed to providing the tools and support needed to amplify these voices and turn moments of outrage into movements for change.

The petition to Demand the Kansas City Chiefs to Dismiss Harrison Butker for Discriminatory Remarks is a testament to the potential of viral moments in driving petition virality. It showcases how a single speech, shared widely and strategically, can mobilize hundreds of thousands of supporters, capture the attention of the media, and launch an important national debate. As we continue to support and amplify the voices of our users, we look forward to witnessing and facilitating more moments of change.

Join us at, where your voice can make a difference. Start a petition, mobilize supporters, and work with decision makers to drive solutions in your community and beyond. Together, we can create a world where every voice is heard, and every action counts.

Written by
Communications at
July 26, 2024 3:46 am