
Celebrating Our 200 Million Users

We know that people power is more than just a phrase — it’s what helps drive change all around the globe. That’s why we’re so excited to announce that reached 200 million users this month, and want to thank each and everyone of you for helping us hit this incredible milestone.

I first started at in 2011 and at the time, about nine million people had joined the site by signing or starting a petition. It’s been a privilege to be part of a team that helped this platform grow to over 200 million users in less than six years.

But what’s most important is that those 200 million people have driven some major wins around the globe. In fact, 73 million people have signed a petition on that has become a victory — a victory nearly every hour.

Some of the most high-profile wins include:

  • Sexual assault survivor Amanda Nguyen led a campaign for a federal bill of rights for sexual assault victims, and has now created a movement pushing for state laws across the country;
  • Three big petitions focused on ending the global practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) helped drive major policy changes in India, the UK and the US;
  • Half a million people took action to demand more humanitarian relief to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, bringing awareness to the Jones Act and other hurdles that prevented aid from reaching the island;
  • More than 70 petitions have been started highlighting people sentenced to decades or life in prison for nonviolent drug offenses. Over a dozen of these have become victories in part because of the dedication of users to the issue of clemency;
  • Over the years, users have also helped drive systemic change in the Boy Scouts of America, pressuring the organization to end its ban on gay Scouts and Scout leaders. They also helped draw national attention to the story of Trayvon Martin, after Martin’s parents started a petition seeking justice for their son after he was shot and killed, making it one of the largest petitions in Internet history.

We look forward to seeing what change you will continue to make through our platform.

Written by
November 21, 2017 9:21 pm