
Heinz launches petition to make day after Super Bowl a holiday.

More than 55,000 people have signed a petition started by Heinz — yup, the ketchup — to make the Monday after the Super Bowl a national holiday.

Once they hit 100,000 signatures, Heinz plans to deliver the petition directly to Congress. Not only that but it seems Heinz is skipping the Super Bowl commercial this year and opting for their campaign on instead!

We’ve all been there. Tired. Hungover. Still full from overeating delicious, delicious nachos. Heinz perfectly captures the feeling of dragging yourself to work the morning after the Super Bowl with this video they produced to promote the petition:

In my five and a half years working at, this is one of the most creative uses of our platform by a company that I’ve ever seen. Heinz is showing how an online petition can be an exciting and fun way to engage consumers while also advertising their brand around one of the most popular events in the world.

And they money they’re saving on that Super Bowl ad? Heinz is leading by example and giving all of their employees the day off on February 6.

This isn’t the first time a brand has used for funny ad campaign. A couple of years ago, Taco Bell rallied 32,000 people on to sign their petition for a taco emoji – and won! Taco Bell also used to respond to a petition announcing their transition to cage-free eggs. By listening and engaging with people on, companies can earn brand love and media impressions to boot. Download the Taco Bell case study is a great platform for consumers to have their voices heard. We were used to being on the receiving end of petitions, so when we got the opportunity to take the lead on something important to us, we jumped at it.” Matt Prince, Public Relationas Manager, Taco Bell
 To add your name to Heinz’s petition just go to
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February 3, 2017 11:39 pm