
Victory Map: Wells Fargo Sends Man the Proceeds From His Foreclosed Home That was Sold 5 Months Ago

Every day people are winning campaigns on that address issues big and small. We’ll take a look at these victories and how the world changed in the last week.

Steve Mack used to work in television, today he is battling terminal cancer without health insurance. And, he is living out of his car after defaulting on his home mortgage.

Wells Fargo Bank foreclosed on that home and sold it at auction for $516,000. Mack owed $200,000 on the loan. That’s a surplus of nearly $316,000.

But Mack didn’t receive that money right away. After repeatedly questioning Wells Fargo as to how he could access the funds, he was told that it would take six months for the money to be returned. He didn’t know if he would be around in six months.

So, he started a petition two months ago to try to get the money back faster. That was shortly after he was locked out of his home, losing all of his possessions, because he did not have the money for movers or storage.

Mack worked The California State Assembly attorneys who found that the foreclosure was outsourced to a company called Cal-Western Reconveyance, which had filed bankruptcy and gone out of business weeks before the sale of his home.

Five months after the sale – after a lot of back and forth between Mack and Wells Fargo – and more than 56,000 signatures, Mack received a check for the money owed to him by Wells Fargo Bank. Unfortunately, he didn’t receive the money in time to get his belongings back. But hopefully, Mack will be able to use that money to find a safe place to live and to take care of his health.

Victory for Animals | Victory for Economic Justice | Biggest Victory | Small Victory

Victory for Animals | Victory for Economic Justice | Biggest Victory | Small Victory


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August 28, 2015 5:54 pm